Dangers   of   Genetically   Engineered   Food

The dangers in genetically engineered
food are huge because genetic structures
have evolved over millions of years 
and now scientists are changing the 
balance with changes that could would 
never happen naturally and they are doing
it very fast without being prepared for 
possible consequences. Some of the risks 
of genetically engineered food include. 
All of the plants or animals would all 
be susceptible to the same diseases. 
For example if you genetically engineer 
a tomato so it will die of a disease 
after it reproduces then most of its 
children would be exactly the same 
and would die after they reproduce. If 
the scientist messes up and accidentally 
changes the wrong gene it could turn out 
to be a type of poisonous plant or carry 
a deadly disease and it could kill any 
thing that eats it. If you spliced a Tomato
and a  cat's genes then you might end up
with horribly mutated cats that can produce
there own food but couldn't move so they could
not protect them self from other animals 
because it has the instincts of the tomato. 

Dangers of Genetically Engineered Food

Genetic Engineering and Its Dangers: Lot's of reports on the topic.
Public Perceptions of Genetic Engineering: Some infromation.
The Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods: The Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
Euroup says NO to Genetically Engineered Food: A site Explaining Why Genetically Engineered Food is bad
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Darren Savery

5973 Tweedsmuir Cr.
Nanaimo, B.C. V9T 5Y7

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